Callwork Comics by Hazel Manzano is the Philippines' Premier Call Center-Themed Comics! FREE DELIVERY NATIONWIDE! ORDER NOW!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Callwork: Something We Can Finally Call Our Own

Our everyday life in the call centers working as agents are laden with different scenarios and experiences that we can describe to be as weird, sad, happy, outrageous, and the list goes on. As a result, people from the outside may find us acting strangely; but as this call center industry continuously grows, I can say that call centers are now eventually beginning to be a part of the Filipino culture and society.

In a perfectly candid, untowardly funny, and creative manner, Hazel Manzano started to conceptualize the “pinoy call center culture” into drawings two years ago and made Callwork comics. Being part of the call center industry herself for more than six years, she started out as a call center agent but then climbed the stairs to succeed, being a call center manager currently in a top BPO company down south.

Callwork comics can be read every Sundays in the Manila Bulletin, and it will surely make your day, or night, hehe. Now released as a book, “Callwork, A Call Center Life”, this is something we can finally call our own. Truly reflective of our unique lifestyle as call center agents, the comic book “Callwork, A Call Center Life” is something that we can be proud of as part of the bustling pinoy call center industry.

It’s hot!!! Get your own copy now!

(Initially available in Comic Odyssey Robinsons Galleria or you can e-mail Hazel Manzano at or me at to get a copy.)

1 comments. share it here, thanks!:

Unknown said...

Congratulations Hazel for this big break! I'll definitely get a copy of your book. :)


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