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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Mute It

You can't deny it. We all live in the same extra world. I call it extra because its just really uncommonly difficult. And easy. A combination you feel when you are in it. You go to work at night. You sleep whole day. Then you wake up worrying what shirt could probably look new under your same old black jacket. Then you go to the same spot, if you are lucky to gain that position all your project life (whatever account that is) with your pictures posted on the wall and the rest extra-- like the new policy that just came in, steps on making that call, et cetera. Ah! This is a life! You are free to speak the unbearable, as your caller is free to hit you on your ear like a dart that's hitting the bull's eye. That is the great use of the mute button. Oh well, that completes the story. But wait! I got some more things to tell you.

Remember what they do when breaks are on? They smoke, they talk, they cuss, they cry, they laugh, breaks are like a jackpot! That's how you release the tension. What matters most is the coffee flowing right at the bar, it's a saver. You could work wide awake and you could remember all you say. Pair it with a creamy chocolate or some peanuts and your night is good. (And sometimes you just slip your chips behind your monitor to avoid getting caught!) .

Why would the mute button matter anyway? Okay, let's go back. Because you get to roar it out. You express yourself. You're being human. It's like resting your jerking muscle after a smooth massage. And so much for the breaks. They make you feel alive. No big deal. It's your work. It rewards you. It drains you at the same time. But you like the part when you come home to see your kid shine like star in his warm smile and get an honest embrace. You feel like a super mom. You are doing a hard work and you are doing it for him. That is the best part.

I'm still amazed how call center life came to us Filipinos. But really, it's because of talent. We are just amazingly adaptable. Maybe because mute buttons are promising. Mute it, that should work. You satisfy their needs -- and you satisfy your emotions. The mute function makes you impersonal with your business. And the other side, it makes you get too personal. You can ask your supervisor something you need to know while keeping the line open. Or you chat with your seat mate if you are well versed with multi-tasking, that is just really fantastic. Good thing phones were made! Nice jobs were offered. We are gaining a better definition of ourselves. We see ourselves capable. We are feeling good about it. Whether we had a bad hair day at work or we made a huge sale, it's just really different. After all, nothing really is not personal. We do things because we choose it. And that is being personal. Impersonal -- personal. Easy. Difficult. We have it all in the call center.

2 comments. share it here, thanks!:

gab's mom said...

you said it!
i like your post.

i've been there before i decided to become a full time mom. i just love the mute button. LOL.

realmofadreamer said...

You've written down exactly what every call center agents feel! :)

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