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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Call Center Dictionary

Absent - A phenomenon that occurs when you were not able to sleep during daytime.

Salary - Force that motives you to go to work.

Late - Happens when its raining and/or payday.

13th month pay - The thing to wait for before resigning.

ID - Something to confiscate when you are using your celphone and sleeping on the floor.

Call - Makes you fall asleep faster than a sleeping pill.

Clinic - Home of best actors & actresses.

You may add more! hehe!

1 comments. share it here, thanks!:

Litnik said...

Funny! Benta ang call and clinic. Additional definition: Absent could also be a phenomemon when your drinking attempt for easier sleep backfired resulting to a badcase of incapacitating hangover.

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