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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

January Agent of the Month: Ruth

Let’s start the year right with a fresh face from the call center industry, and I'm glad to also share to you her different views about the job. I had a chat with Ruth, and she is After Call Blogs' Agent of the Month for January. hehe. Here are some of her candid answers to my queries.

Alex: You’re from which call center?
Ruth: IBM-Daksh

Alex: And your account and role?
Ruth: Secret. No disclosure. hehe. online shopping.

Alex: Describe your company.
Ruth: My company is known all over the world because it is a computer brand. LOL. Can’t specify any other than that. (antok na ako eh huhu)

Alex: What do you like best in your job?
Ruth: Pay, friendly environment, team buildings, chance to go to different places and meet different kinds of people.

Alex: what do you usually do on your breaks?
Ruth: I rarely eat, I’d rather spend it sleeping or walking outside the office.

Alex: Describe your perfect day at work.
Ruth: Having a great time with my team despite the stress that you get from work and getting recognition for a job well done.

Alex: Can you give some advice to aspiring call center agents?
Ruth: Call center agents should master the virtue of patience. The secret of staying in this industry is finding enjoyment in the tasks given to you.

Maybe I should also learn that patience thing... hehe. I'm just thinking aloud.

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